Access to Inclusion (A2I)

Access to Inclusion (A2I) is a newly formed team, which combines the Learning Support Team and Autism and Communication Team.

The newly formed Access to Inclusion team is committed to ensuring that all children and young people (CYP) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are fully included in education; that their needs are accurately identified, and that they receive high-quality provisions which enable them to be happy and achieve good outcomes.

The A2I team is made up of advisory teachers with extensive experience working in education settings as teachers and as SENCos, together with specialist knowledge and additional post-graduate qualifications in different aspects of special educational needs (SEN).

The Access to Inclusion Team provide Removing Barriers to Learning Consultations – A solution focussed support visit with the class teacher, SENCO and parent carers to help identify and remove barriers to learning. Schools will receive a written report with recommendations and agreed actions which will be reviewed in a follow up meeting.

The below information is required in addition to the information already requested in the EHA.

Please read these notes alongside the EHA as you complete it with parents.

  • Sections 1 and 2 – These sections need to be completed by the SENCo/Head teacher/member of the school SLT (and not GP etc.) We liaise with the SENCo for dates to visit in order to complete a piece of work.
  • Section 3 – This must be completed as it gives consent. Please ensure that the date of consent is within 3 months of submission.
  • Section 4 – We only require details of the child being referred but you may complete the whole section to provide a wider context.
  • Section 5 – We only require the names, address and contact details of parents / carers.
  • Section 6 – We only need to know professionals who are directly involved with the child you are referring. You may complete the whole section to provide a wider context.
  • Section 7 – Please complete with as much detail as possible, highlighting the primary need as the opening statement at the top. If applicable, please also state if the CYP has an Autism diagnosis or on the pathway. Please ensure:
    1. The Desired Outcomes for the CYP.
    2. Identify what you would like support with: for example, identification of need, strategies and provision, engagement with learning/developing independent learning, managing dysregulation, receptive language skills, expressive language skills, social communication skills, managing sensory issues etc.
    3. Include a summary of what you have put in place for the individual so far, including how you have used the Somerset Graduated Response Tool. If no intervention has begun, (e.g. new to area, re-integrating back into education, adverse child/young personhood event) please acknowledge this when sending in the EHA.

Section 9 – Use the drop-down menu to select “Access to Inclusion” (currently listed as Autism and Communications Service)

Contact Details

Please send completed EHA to

The EHA will be received initially by Somerset Direct, who will check that the EHA is completed correctly and is accompanied by any service specific information. Somerset Direct will follow up with the “Referrer” if the EHA is missing mandatory information or if not accompanied by any service specific additional documentation. If the EHA is completed correctly and is accompanied with all relevant additional information, Somerset Direct will forward to the relevant Inclusion SEND Service for their consideration.

Please continue to access the EHA document via the Professional Choices Website to make sure you are always using the up-to-date version.