Early Help Hub

The Early Help Hub is part of Somerset’s Family Front Door and they triage and respond to referrals made to the Family Intervention Service at a complex level.

The previous Early Help Advice Line has been disbanded and absorbed into the Family Front Door Consultation Line.

The Family Front Door Consultation Line is 0300 123 3078 which is open Monday to Friday 9:00am until 4:00pm. This is a line for Designated Safeguarding Leads and GP’s and you will speak to a Social Worker who will offer advice and support as to how to approach your concerns and whether a referral to complex or acute services is appropriate.

Things to know:

  • When contacting the Consultation Line to discuss the needs of a child/young person or family the children/young person/people being discussed will remain anonymous and no identifying details of them will be requested.
  • The Consultation Line is not an alternative pathway to access services, it is an advice service.
  • The Consultation Line should not be used as case supervision.
  • Responsibility for subsequent actions following the advice will remain with you. It will not be passed over to the Social Worker advising you.
  • If you require practical advice in relation to finding or completing an EHA please call Somerset Direct on 0300 123 2224

If you are concerned that a child may be at risk of, or may be suffering significant harm contact Somerset Direct on 0300 123 2224.

Phone 999 if you think the child is at risk of immediate harm.