Vision Support Team

Service Information:

The Vision Support Team is part of the Children and Young People’s specialist service (previously known as SPOT, Sensory, Physical and Occupational Therapy Service), SEND & Inclusion Support Somerset. The Vision Support Team works with children and young people (C&YP) from birth up to 25 years old (post 16 C&YP will receive support in an educational setting only with EHCP).

The Vision Support Team has members based across the County and consists of:

  • Qualified Teachers of Visual Impairment (QTVI)
  • Specialist Support Advisors
  • Habilitation Specialists

What do we do

The team members will visit C&YP in their homes, pre-school settings, schools and colleges.

Qualified Teachers of Visual Impairment (QTVI)

QTVIs can assess functional vision. This can provide information about the C&YP’s vision and inform strategies to support access to the curriculum.

Following the assessment, the QTVI can:

  • Provide information about the C&YP’s visual condition and how this may impact their learning.
  • Provide information about strategies to support access to learning and independence.
  • Provide information about adaptations and equipment to support inclusive access to learning.
  • Provide direct support, teaching, training and advice to equip the child with necessary skills.
  • Refer for support from the Specialist Support Assistants.

Habilitation Specialist Team

The Habilitation Specialist equips a child or young person with the knowledge, skills and strategies essential for independent living. A full programme includes mobility, orientation, route learning and living skills such as dressing, cooking and shopping.

The Habilitation Specialist can assess the child or young person’s mobility needs, develop, monitor and evaluate habilitation programmes, carry out environmental audits and provide child or young person specific training.

How to refer to our service?

If a CYP meets the service involvement criteria, an Early Help Assessment form needs to be completed with a parent/carer unless the support is identified as part of the child’s Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Service Criteria to include in the EHA:

Further information regarding the Vision Support Service, including criteria to access the service and resources, should be referred to and can be found on the Support Services for Education website.

The below information is specifically required in each section identified in addition to the other sections to complete in an EHA.

Section 4:

We only require details of the child/young person being referred but you may complete the whole section to provide a wider context.

Section 5:

We only require the names, address and contact details of parents/carers.

Section 6:

We only need to know professionals who are directly involved with the child/young person you are referring; please ensure you provide the details of the child’s/young person’s orthoptist/ophthalmologist. You may complete the whole section to provide a wider context.

Section 7:

Please indicate the child’s visual condition/diagnosis, their visual acuity if known and information on how the condition is affecting them at home/at school.

Section 9:

Use the drop-down menu to select “Vision Support Service”.

Contact Details:

Please send completed EHA’s to:
Email address for pre-referral advice: