SEND Professional Portal

The SEND Professional Portal is used by Somerset Council’s Statutory SEND Team as a resource to gather the key information needed around an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Assessment or an EHC Plan Annual Review.

It allows education settings to submit their SEND Support Reviews and Requests for EHC Assessment, as well as Appendix Bs for students who are currently under assessment and Annual Reviews of students who already have EHC Plans.

It also allows professional contributors to submit Appendix Ds for Educational Psychologist Advice, Appendix Es for Early Help and Social Care Advice and Appendix Fs for Children and Young People’s Therapy Service as part of the EHC Assessment process.

If you have any practice queries regarding children and young people with confirmed or suspected SEN needs, the EHC Assessment or EHC Plan Review process, please contact the Inclusion Advice Line on 0300 123 2224.

For more information on the Inclusion Advice Line, what it is and how it can help you, please click on this link.

If students with EHC Plans do not appear on your Portal:

If students with EHC Plans do not appear on your Portal following a transfer from another school, please e-mail and ask to be added on to the relevant students as an Authenticated Portal User. We can then get them added onto your account for you.

All relevant guidance to using the SEND Professional Portal can be found in the sections below.

To visit the SEND Professional Portal, follow this link:

If you need to log any IT issues with the SEND Professional Portal or have any technical queries regarding its use, please log a call on the Halo Self Service helpdesk form at or call the Schools IT Helpdesk on 01823 355090.

If you don’t have an account for the Halo Self Service Helpdesk and need to find out more information, please read this article on the Support Services for Education site – Important Information for all School staff who make use of IT helpdesk support | Support Services for Education

Further guidance on logging helpdesk calls is available here:

If you have any queries regarding the EHC Assessment or EHC Plan Annual Review Process, please call the Contact Centre on 0300 123 2224.

Technical Help: 

Guidance for using the SEND Professional Portal for Schools:

Blank versions of forms that are completed online:

Documents that can be uploaded as part of a form submission:

Guidance for using the SEND Professional Portal for Early Years Settings:

Blank versions of forms that are completed online:

Documents that can be uploaded as part of a form submission: